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Get to know sherm-
“…one of the influential pillars of dance music…”-
Chicago-based artist Sherm has never stopped his relentless pursuit to create and influence since his start in 2014. His artistry and passion has given him global recognition for his accomplishments in the music industry as a DJ, Producer, A&R and Podcast Host.
“When I became an artist about nine years ago and started making my own music and playing shows, I realized that there's only one Sherm. So that's why I go by Sherm. I don't have any moniker or mask or anything. I am the person that you know as an artist and as a person, and it really overlaps. That's my motivation because I believe that's what takes you the distance. If you love what you do, you are who you are and you have fun no matter what, then that'll last the rest of your life. But if you try and be something that you're not, there's a timeline for that.”

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